Tag: Priorat

Spoit Offer #119: Clos Mogador 2013 Priorat

2013 Clos Mogador PRIVATE IMPORT – PLACE ORDER — Why We Love It: It’s hard to come up with superlatives to describe Clos Mogador which haven’t already been used. There is something so seemingly mythical and lyrical – even poetic – about this iconic Spanish  … Read More

Spot Offer #107: 2013 Clos Figueras “Serras del Priorat”

The playful label adorning this bottle belies the impressive nectar you’ll discover after pulling the cork. Produced by the Cannan family, owners of Clos Figueras, this wine is a delicious introduction to the style and profile of Spain’s Priorat appellation. With a winemaking heritage originally dating back to Roman times, one can only imagine that these dramatic cliffside vineyards proved too challenging and too expensive a place to make wine – and has only reemerged over the past couple of decades as a preeminent wine producing region of Spain.

Spot Offer #118: 2012 Clos Mogador

It’s hard to come up with superlatives to describe Clos Mogador which haven’t already been used. There is something so seemingly mythical and lyrical – even poetic – about this iconic Spanish winery; a project driven by an abundant and authentic love of wine, family and history. An hour or so north of Barcelona we come upon one of the most scenic and magical wine regions I’ve ever had the privilege to visit.

Spot Offer #121: 2015 Serras del Priorat

[ 2015 Clos Figueras “Serras del Priorat” ] PRODUCER PROFILE | Clos Figueras PRIVATE IMPORT | ORDER ONLINE — [ Why We Love It: ] The playful label adorning this bottle belies the impressive nectar you’ll discover after pulling the cork. Produced by the Cannan  … Read More

Wine of the Week #1504: 2010 Espectacle del Montsant

Espectacle is a 100% Garnacha red grown in the Montsant DO of Spain – adjacent to the celebrated wines of Priorat – and is owned by Réné and Isabelle Barbier (Owners of Clos Mogador in Priorat), Fernando and Marta Zamora (Oenologists and teachers at University of Tarragona), and Charlotte and Christopher Cannan (Owners of Clos Figueras in Priorat). Here, on the highest elevation site in the appellation, we find the source for what has become a true “nectar of the gods”.

Wine of the Week #1524: 2007 Clos Figueras Priorat

If you’ve been following our newsletters for any period of time, you’ll know that I’ve got a bit of a thing for old vines – and the impact they can have on wine quality: low yields, stunning complexity and breathtaking concentration.